what's going on in knctzen twt rn:
- they're angry abt the s*perm situation and how ifans took a false narrative based on their preconceptions abt korean society and labelled them as color*st while completely ignoring the context given by kfans. (1/4)
- the constant mistranslations of the korean language and jumping to conclusions about the members based on negative assumption against Koreans, they're saying this in itself is rac*st because ifans are assuming all Koreans think a certain type of way. (2/4)
- there's a thread circulating abt all the rac*sm that 127 faced during neocity and they're saying ifans are being hypocritical bc they did not do anything to speak out against these incidents and instead made them into jokes. (3/4)
- theyre sensitive with the term "educating" because it has ethnocentric undertones, implying that western ideals are superior and that kpop idols are the ones who need to be "educated". (4/4)
while i dont think this excuses everything that nct has done esp w/ CA, this does spark a conversation abt how ncity twt moves with the countless times things have been blown out of proportion and mistranslated & how some of yall completely ignore that it's been proven false.
if you have any questions/concerns pls dm me! the sentiments above are not my thoughts, j what i've summarized from reading through knctzen twitter.
and please know i have no underlying intentions with this, this is simply to relay what's going on in case your tl is in shambles and you dont know why 😭
also please don't use this thread to be dismissive of those who want rightful apologies for things. dont use it to speak over people who are hurt by some of these issues.
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