I've been feeling this for a while, but since I just spent the last 10 days in bed, I'm especially feeling the hey fellow writers of sci-fi and fantasy, we need to have a serious discussion about the ableism in our books, esp re: the 'turning into a vampire/were cures all' thing.
I don't have the wherewithal to get into it much right now, but we also need to look at the cavalier way in which we treat "debilitating stress and trauma" within SFF, because some of y'all clearly don't understand that just because you heal from something doesn't mean you heal.
Some y'all clearly don't get "it doesn't matter if you heal from being beheaded as easily as the average person heals from a paper cut; you're not gonna just laugh it off because that pain and near-death trauma is still gonna be real to your body which is gonna affect your mind".
I spent the last 10 days curled up in bed from pain, and I'm "better" now, but it's seriously affected my brain, my spirit, and my ability to cope - so I really need people to take a closer look at PTSD and understand some things need to give re: the whole "character dev" thing.
People in the community have been saying it for a long time, but it seriously bears repeating: what doesn't kill you just doesn't kill you.

Putting someone through torture is not going to make them a better person; very possibly the opposite.
Aside from the erasure of "getting turned into a vamp/were suddenly cures all ills" and/or the bullshit of "you lose your mind and start a bloodbath and need to get put down", some of y'all need to understand that magic/science isn't going to "cure" all https://twitter.com/KatjeXia/status/1319919450473201666?s=20
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