🌞a thread of a theory about the golden mv and it’s release (this is just a theory)🌞
we are focusing on the attraction “eroda ferry” on the visit eroda website and the schedule of the attraction. we will also be using 5 locations to explain this theory
- LA
- London
- Mexico (mostly on the north eastern part)
- Naples
so the schedule of the departures are 11:00, 13:00, 14:00, 16:30, 18:00.
now we checked the time difference between the 5 locations we previously mentioned, and we got to the conclusion that if the mv drops at 11:00 in LA it’ll be 13:00 in Mexico and 14:00 +
in NYC now here is were things get a little messy. if these 3 hours match London is half an hour ahead of us it’ll be 17:00 on london but maybe at 16:30 the HSHQ account may post smt like a count down or smt related to the mv and the actual mv will drop+
at 17:00 and it’ll be 18:00 in Naples matching all of the hours on according to the eroda’s ferry schedule. and that is our theory about when the golden mv is going to drop and the time (THIS THEORY WAS MADE COMPLETELY BY THIS ACCOUNT so pls give credits if +
you wanna use it.
thanks drink water and remember to treat people with kindness
(We may be right, we may be wrong remember it’s just a theory but it makes a lot of sense tbh)
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