Ok this is for my black community...and this is about colorist black man which has been a big issue in the black community..and I’m finna get to the woman to. Alright now black man..WTF ARE YALL DOING, why are you bashing your black females for, you good? Will continue below...
Y’all be bashing them on TikTok on Twitter or on the corner. Taking about “I want a white girl” because their gonna let me do what I want. No tf there not, there have opinions stop stereotyping that shit. Say what you want but I think that’s stereotyping. Will continue below..
Black woman don’t disrespect y’all black man..so why y’all disrespect them? Listen they don’t care who you date just don’t disrespect them? Y’all be calling dark skin woman ugly..like come on your ancestors was dark skin..y’all over here doing what the “white massa” we’re doing.
Separating..now black woman lets talk. Dark skin woman y’all are beautiful asf, y’all don’t need no validation from no one. And light skins y’all need to stop bashing dark skin woman. You ancestors were dark skinned. Your light because your ancestors got r1ped. Continue...
Yes dark woman got forced to “breed”with there “massa” and then got separated from there child over and over And lord knows what happen to them in the house. Just stop separating us black woman we all black point blank period you struggle the same shit we do. STOP 🛑
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