There's something both very useless and very cruel in teens anti yelling "get a job" (or "do your taxes" "go vote") to pro-shippers.
Like let's focus on the job one, and imagine two situations.

1) the pro-shipper has a job (and do their taxes, and vote). This comment is then just useless and ridiculous.
2) said pro-shipper doesn't have a job. And that's where this end up being cruel.
Many antis think of themselves as left-wing and progressive, but there's nothing more capitalist than tying someone's worth to their ability to work and have a high-position job.
Unemployment is a thing that will primarily touches minorities, poor people, disabled people, ect. Aka all the groups you're claiming to want to protect.
Some known pro-shippers can't work due to chronic illness. I myself can only work part-time because of chronic illness & adhd
Some people simply can't access jobs, or there's no jobs for their skills, and this is another issue they have no control on. Some people get discriminated against during the hiring process because they're not white, because they're not straight, or because of their gender.
It's even more cruel to use it nowadays, during a pandemic where people are loosing their jobs at an alarming rate.

So yes, that particular comment always ticked me off. Obviously their point is "do something else with your life, you have too much time on your hand" +
but the first point renders this angle useless as well, since *content creators* with *jobs* still find the time, between their important life tasks, to talk about how harassing an artist into not drawing a specific ship won't do anything in protecting children.
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