10)...They started shifting goal post of demands & influencers started urging them on. Their adrenaline pump overtime with their new street victory. They lost focus & partied on.

When voice of reason cautioned them, they cursed, abused, booed & shooed us down.

11)..The street party became orgies of looting, robbery & harassment.

Unknown to them, jackals & vultures were waiting by the flanks to cash-in on the opportunity, & they did. Unknowingly, they started playing a well scripted plan of some vultures to destabilize Nigeria.
12)...The once peaceful protest venues became scenes of orgies of sorrow, tears & blood as it became hijacked by thugs & arsonist & people with political point to score (most of them youths themselves)

@adigwu_john @ysone2 @EuniceKlassy @
13)..They did not listen to voice of caution or reason. They could not see the outcome of their folly, despite their brilliance. They lack intelligence.
14)...The moles in their midst spurred the destruction to continue all in a bid to blackmail a man who does not hold political office nor have constitutional power. They were used to act a political maga drama. A nollywood life "political" action movie
15)..Despite their brilliance, they are yet to agree or come to terms that their actions or lack of intelligence in handling the EndSars protest had resulted in the colossal infrastructural destruction carried out by jackals & vultures in their midst.
16)..They did not see in their high altitude what the elders saw sitting down.

Now, that the atmosphere is settling, I hope the youths will learn their lessons & let sense prevail in their next demand & engagement with govt.
17)...But, let it be known, the moles amongst them are nothing but agent of anarchy &destruction. They can't be trusted with power or leadership position. They will sell out. But, if these youths decide 2 take on position of authority with these moles,they ain't known nothing yet
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