fuck imma make a new Spidey thread

1. who’s the best live action Spidey? Tobey, Andrew or Tom?
2. do you prefer organic or web shooters?
3. favorite adaptation in general?
4. favorite Spidey show?
5. what Spidey theme is so iconic that you listen to it so much?
5. do you think Tom is a comic accurate Spidey? why?
6. Venom or Carnage?
7. favorite Spidey person that isn’t Peter Parker?
8. is Spider-Man a menace?
9. favorite live action Spidey villain?
10. do you prefer Harry or Norman as the Green Goblin?
11. who’s the best Spidey love interest?
12. do you think Spidey is the greatest superhero in comic book history?
13. favorite Spidey film?
14. Raimi, Webb or Watts?
15. which adaptation do you think is the most comic accurate? (in general)
16. favorite Spidey comic if you read any?
17. do you prefer Spidey teaming up with the Avengers? why?
18. do you think Tony is a good replacement for Uncle Ben in the MCU?
19. which Aunt May? Raimi, Webb or Watts?
20. what does the legacy of Spider-Man mean to you?
21. do you want to see a live action Spider-Verse?
22. do you think Tom Holland still needs a mentor?
I can’t think of anymore questions. end of thread
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