The truth is social media is indirectly the cause of like 90% depression cases among the youth nowadays. This is simply because close to all social media users. What they post on the internet is fake ..fake smiles, forged happiness and fake moments
Most people take 100 pictures just to chose one or two pictures, the best and on top of that they edit and the final product is sent online. That's not real! People get to functions, Definitely in their best attires and get the best camera or person with best phone
That's the one who captures those moments. Mark you only the nice moments, they won't show you the downsides of the function. Others only update their status when they visit fancy restaurants, hotels and take nice food and venue pictures. But that's not what they do daily
Some of those posting are even being sponsored . It's not them footing those bills. But even if it was them...they don't do that often and they don't always look that fly.
Ask yourself how many people take pictures of them in bed or just out of bed ....
Depression is then created in the people seeing whatever is taking place. It's human nature to always want and desire what somebody else has that they don't. So people keeping viewing these and ofcourse due to a number of limitations not all can do what's being done
Most start feeling left out and isolated. It's not about money because theirs those with money but have curfew..others with money but feel they want a vibe similar to those other guys they see online.. slowly by slowly people get englufed by that feeling of loneliness
And this coupled with other few factors, persons get mentally ill . But when you actually ask the true source of depression it doesn't amount to how they feel. This is all because so much scenarios have been created in their minds from accumulated social media silent oppression.
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