This is what someone with a #invisibledisability looks like. A thread for the end of #InvisibleDisabilitiesWeek

Giving a visual perspective to #InvisibleDisabilities and #InvisibleIllness.

If you are disabled feel free to join my thread or quote tweet and make it your own
My name is Hana and my main dx is Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (hypermobile type) some people say its the "good type" to which I don't know how one type is good or bad, it is just a different set of common symptoms and symptoms can overlap throughout the types.
For me, the most dehabilitating symptom is wide spread moderate to severe chronic pain. On good days this is thoroughly invisible. On bad days it becomes a bit visible. Pain and illness itself is fluid, it can change in the span of a minute and I just have to roll with it
A common comorbidity of EDS is Dysautonomia. Dysautonomia in itself is an unmbrella term for different autonomic dysfunction disorders. The autonomic nervous system is responsible for maintaining temperature, heart rate, bp, etc. When the ANS is dysfunctional well... its chaotic
While I am still looking for a specific dysautonomia dx, autonomic dysfunction effects me on the daily. Shortness of breath, dizziness, blood pooling, palpitations all drive me nuts, and often i need to pause and regain self while working, but I manage!
This thread is getting long, oops! More times than not once you have 1 illness a whole list adds up. Because of EDS my GI system is whack, leading to the dx of IBS. Other dxes not GI related but EDS related include: raynauds, migraines (w/ aura), arthritis
Mental illness is invisible and just as much as a disability as anything else. Mental illness has physical symptoms and physical illness can leave you with anxiety and depression. So are learning disabilities and developmental disorders. The brain is an organ and deserves respect
Running out of photos so quickly gonna give a shout out to:

- Executive Functioning Disorder (goes with ADHD)
- Generalized Anxiety Disorder
- Depression
- some mood thing that keeps being misdiagnosed so who knows at this point
- to be continued?
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