A group of 50 LGBT Trump supporters are marching through West Hollywood. They have marched from the Pacific Design Center to Rocco’s, right in the heart of Boy’s Town. 4 sheriff’s patrol cars are following.
Lots of middle fingers and some booing. Christian Walker, one of the more prominent personalities here, does flips across the street.
One man yells at Lady MAGA, a Trump supporting drag queen, saying that other drag queen died for her right to walk in her heels
Lots of friction with al fresco diners
Walking by the long line outside The Abby
As counter-programming, one car plays YG and Nipsey’s Fuck Donald Trump as the crowd marches by
The crowd ends the loop back at the Pacific Design Center, calling it a night
Sheriff’s Deputies pose with one of the marchers holding a Trump flag. Only caught the tail end as the woman walked away.
Here’s a photo of Los Angeles Sheriff’s Deputies posing with a Trump flag. Shot by photojournalist @ChelseaLaurenLA.
When confronted by bystander, a deputy says that the Trump supporter just asked to take a picture.
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