1/ A white Ford F250 drove through a crowd of protesters in Providence, Rhode Island, tonight, while police just watched.

The owner is Jacob Oliver, age 18, of Dighton, Massachusetts. He runs Simple Life Landscapes, a tree removal service.

Photos below.
2/ People forget that James Fields was only 20 years old when he drove his car through a crowd of protesters at the 2017 Unite the Right rally, murdering Heather Heyer.

This is Jacob Oliver, who invoked James Fields, age 18, by intimidating protesters in Providence with his car.
3/ James has a history of attempting to intimidate protesters by invoking the specter of James Fields, and admitted to a separate incident on Facebook.

He also claims "that plate doesn't come back to me. I make sure not to have my plate while doing that stuff."
4/ Readers, here's the plate in question.

Note the dents in the fender and the Thin Blue Line bumper stickers that read "Police Supporter."
5/ And here's that plate coming back to him.

On his Instagram account, "_swampyankee_," Oliver routinely posts pictures of his truck-- same year/make/model, same dents in the fender, and yes, same license plate.
6/ Here's the Facebook page for his business, in case you want to warn your friends not to use his services: https://www.facebook.com/simplelifelandscapes/
7/ Be careful if you see Jacob Oliver or his white Ford F250, Massachusetts license plates 7TGB 80, with two "Police Supporter" bumper stickers.

He's on a dangerous path of radicalization, and I can't predict what he'll do in the leadup to the election.
8/ Remember that the police simply watched him intimidate protesters tonight, violating their 1st Amendment rights.

The police don't protect us.

Who protects us?

We protect us.
9/ UPDATE: It's come to my attention that Jacob Oliver has a history of racist intimidation.

In June 2018, he called a Black woman the n-word, and she later confronted him over the incident.


CW: n-word, obvs
11/ He's still doing it, and he's still not sorry.

He's a white supremacist piece of shit with a history of racist intimidation dating back years.

Don't believe anyone who tells you this wasn't an act of racist terrorism.
12/ Interesting thread on Jacob's background and political opinions, including him approvingly sharing memes about running over protesters, from @rdrigopimentel. https://twitter.com/rdrigopimentel/status/1319892136947519489
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