Tw// suicide mentions

drowning pattern analysis a thread;
(Louis and harry's music videos)
I just wanted to say me and @goldnm00n_ did this for fun and we decided to share with y'all!
- So we can all agree that Harry and Louis' music videos tell a story right? So this is just a analysis of their music videos...
- first there's Louis'. The man pretends to kill himself by jumping on the water and something that always made me curious was WHY did Louis released Kill my mind first if it tells us the end of the story??
- I always thought it was because he wanted to tell their love story or something like that. But NOW it all makes sense. Louis' music videos are about a man trying to scape from a rich guy who uses him for money...sounds familiar right? +
And the guy has to pretend to kill himself to finally be free.
- And We Made It is all filmed on the Golden Hour!.....We heard Harry calling Louis sun, WE call Louis sun. And the sun, the daylight, golden things are always present on their music videos. A little reminder that the man on Louis' mv gets back to his lover at the sunset!
- So now let's talks about Harry's mvs. First there's Adore you. It tells a story about a boy, who was different/peculiar because of his bright smile. And all his life that boy, Harry, was criticized and not accepted because of that, however that smile was his TRUTH.
- That smile was his true self. But Harry could not take the fact that he was not accepted, he felt lonely. So he started to wear a mask. (yes the guy on Louis' music video also wears a mask but I don't think they represent the same thing on both stories)
- untill one day, Harry goes to the sea and put rocks on his pocket (y'all know why...) But then he sees the fish! The golden fish, as we know the fish was just as lonely as him so they saved each other. Untill the fish grows and H has to let him go.
-Then we have Lights Up, and this song is all about self discovering, is about Harry not knowing who he is. He's lost. Everyone around him says they know who he is but not even HE knows who he is.
- On this part of the mv we see two parts of him. One is floating on the water and the other one is almost there, it's like two different people, it's a battle between all the versions of himself.
-Untill it all disappears and all we see is a blank space. maybe because he finally found himself, he found the balance between all the versions of himself!
- And now falling, where Harry completely drowns. The song is sad! Is all about him doubting and sometimes even blaming himself. When he sings "and I get the feeling that you'll never need me again" he drowns. maybe because he thinks that "the fish" won't need him anymore.
- the thing is: the daylight, golden ALWAYS present on their music videos! The golden hour means the moment everything is alright. The drowning represents everything that went wrong, all the bad things they've been through.
- Louis' music videos prove to us that all this time HE HAD A PLAN. He knew what had to be done so they could finally be free TOGETHER.
- Maybe in Golden's mv Harry will find the fish. Because now H found himself too. They both made it, because even when they were drowning they had the DAYLIGHT.
End of thread;

me and maddy did for fun, when our brains were working non stop hahaha
Hope you guys like it
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