random questions if ur bored

- quote rt to answer
- if some qs make u uncomfy u can skip them

I vote for #BTS under #TheGroup category at #PCAs 2020
preferred name(s) and pronouns?

I vote for #BTS under #TheGroup category at #PCAs 2020
what are ur pet peeves

I vote for #BTS under #TheGroup category at #PCAs 2020
first thing to do when u wake up

I vote for #BTS under #TheGroup category at #PCAs 2020
groups u stan

I vote for #BTS under #TheGroup category at #PCAs 2020

I vote for #BTS under #TheGroup category at #PCAs 2020
any new quarantine routines?

I vote for #BTS under #TheGroup category at #PCAs 2020
7. (forgot to number the prevs lol sry)

what phone is ur battery percentage at

I vote for #BTS under #TheGroup category at #PCAs 2020
8. first thing u noticed when making new friends/meeting new peopls

I vote for #BTS under #TheGroup category at #PCAs 2020
9. how often do u take a bath

I vote for #BTS under #TheGroup category at #PCAs 2020
10. why do u like kpop

I vote for #BTS under #TheGroup category at #PCAs 2020
11. when was the first time uk abt kpop

I vote for #BTS under #TheGroup category at #PCAs 2020
12. when was the first time did u stan ur ult(s)

I vote for #BTS under #TheGroup category at #PCAs 2020
13. do ur irls support u liking kpop

I vote for #BTS under #TheGroup category at #PCAs 2020
14. whats ur sexuality?
15. rate ur mood /10
16. how many siblings do u have? (if u have any)
17. whats ur biggest fear?
18. have u ever been cancelled?
19. do u love ur family
20. favorite netflix series
21. books ur currenly reading?
22. series/movies ur currently watching?
23. how many school assignments do u have to do left
24. are u ok?
25. are u single/in a relationship
26. why are u single
27. whos ur comfort person
28. tag ur fav moots
29. am i intimidating smorks
30. fave snack?
31. fave drink?
32. sweet or salty
33. extovert/introvert?
34. do u have a good humour
35. whats the thing u value the most in a person
36. tws u need?
37. are u tired answering questions lolz
38. highest grade?
39. lowest grade?
40. where are u from
41. age?
42. ios/android?
43. do u believe aliens exist?
44. can u see ghosts
45. fave subject
46. worst subject?
47. things u love about urself
48. name 3 things u can see rn
49. shoe size?
50. any school motivations?
51. what time is it rn for u
52. whats ur race?
53. carrd link (if u have)
54. 3 recent emojis
55. fave food
56. recommend me some taekooks aus pls sobs
57. hugs or kisses
58. do u need any hugs rn
59. what position r u in rn
60. how many albums/lightsticks do u have (if u have any)
61. have u ever attend online concerts? if yes when and where
62. things that makes u happy
63. favorite ice cream flavor?
64. do u like milk
65. are u an early bird or night owl
end of thread ig? idk ill mayb add some more later lolz
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