#aniPoke (thread): I think we need a rewind. I'm not saying BW can't be criticized or that it's perfect. But what I want to point out is the 'criticisms' are often so over-repetitive it becomes a point that it's obvious when it's criticism vs pandering to the mass. (1/?)
Pointing to the fact that there are so many people who go back and then say "Oh, I actually enjoyed it more than I remember". Okay? But how? The criticisms always felt so small that it feels like no one really ever watched. Ash has bad losses in every region. (2/?)
But what's always dragged? Ash vs Trip. Ash vs. Elesa. Despite the fact Ash had a stupid loss to Viola in XY. But no one goes after XY repetitively for that dumb loss. But for some reason BW can never be talked about without Ash vs Snivy. The conversation never goes past. (3/?)
What's always dragged? Iris's catchphrase. That's all that the conversation ever goes. Hardly ever her arc, her team, etc. People just want to point out her catchphrase and nothing else. The criticisms BW is often given is shin deep. (4/?)
We're never talking about pacing or growth or anything. It's always the dumbest stuff that when people "go back" and see things they turn out to like, it's unbelievable because it was always there to begin with. So, it's easy to to assume you either: (5/?)
a) Never watched it and just took things you heard and repeated it or b) You watched it, liked it and was afraid of coming out and say you liked it because you thought no one would take you seriously. From experience it definitely feels like the former. (6/?)
I want to just repeat that if you're going to criticize BW, actually get into it first and not continue to beat the dead horse that is "Snivy battle" or "Iris catchphrase" because the series is way more than that. You're missing out on it. It's a fun series. (7/8).
And believe me, us BW fans welcome you all with open arms. While you watch, you won't like everything, but remember, all series had their weak moments, you will definitely find plenty of stuff to enjoy. I hope this cleared things up and got the message out clearer. (8/8)
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