budget decision, vapid announcement, privatisation scheme, celebrity endorsed program, dodgy land deal, vanishing water money, refugee gulag, robodebt, COVID Commission, Sports Rorts, Hillsong funding, etc etc
This is why LNP ministers never resign any more when caught in corrupt or criminal activities - it’s an essential part of the job description. It’s why so many are incompetent, it’s easier to deflect to stupidity rather than venality
It’s why audit commissions & ICACS are either stripped of funding or prevented from establishment. It’s why our elderly are dying in private RACF, why those who lost homes in the fires are still in tents, why our farmers are being bankrupted, our
ports, electricity grids, hospitals, public service utilities are underfunded, sold off to the detriment & cost of the public. Why public schools are crowded, public transport in disarray, health system compromised, wages stagnant
It’s why Fraser & Hewson quit the party they once proudly led. Their Liberal Party had ethical ideals behind their small government beliefs.
Now it’s the domain of corrupt greedy extreme religious nut bags who consider the death of the “non-believers” as
sanctioned by their callous prosperity doctrine approving deity. All our money is theirs to keep them in power. Little by little they’ve destroyed everything we thought we were, & will continue to do so unless
we act. Now. #COVID19 is the scorching truth exposing the dark lies of capitalist society, & our corrupt government.

#COVID19 is the scorching truth exposing the dark lies of capitalist society. “For profit” aged care & tertiary education, casualised employment & so many more modern calamities forced into life by a ruthless neoliberal cult & now withering in the blistering beam of #COVID19.
You can follow @sidherian.
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