view counter for “into the iland” - a thread 🦁

8 more views till 115,420!!!

6 more to reach 115,430!!!
7 more till 115,440
3 views more to reach 115,450!!!!
it’s just only 18 mins but it’s 115,460 now!!!!!! keep this heat nicholadeons!!!! we will reach our goals!!!

4 more till 115,470!!
6 more till 115,490!!!!!!!!!
8 more till 115,500!!!! we will get to our goals very soon fellows nicholadeons!!!!!

yayyy we reached 115,500! good jobs guys! keep streaming!! we can do it!

7 more views to reach 115,510!!
5 views till 115,530!!!
4 more views to get to 115,540!!
3 more until 115,580!!
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