🩁 leo 🩁

wow i got sad â˜č it seems as though you may be feeling really unfulfilled with life right now, and it seems to be relate to the fact that you might be stuck somehow. maybe stuck at a job, stuck in an environment you don’t like, in a relationship, a friendship, etc.
on the surface it seems that everything is going perfectly smoothly & it’s almost like everything is pointing towards this idea that you SHOULD be happy, but you’re simply not and that’s more than okay. it feels like something is just...missing.
and i think you know that something has to give, something has to change in order for you to build momentum up again, for you to feel like yourself again.
you might be on this search for balance right now, trying to find equilibrium so that everyone’s happy, but maybe you feel lost on how to do that. maybe you’re trying to find balance by doing the thing that is “logical” or “rational” but now is not the time for that.
maybe it’s time to shift perspective from the logical and focus on the intuitive. what is your gut trying to tell you? what is your inner self whispering to you?
i think a part of you is struggling to make this change or to release this situation because it’s like...you’ve come so far, you’ve built so much at this job or with this person, or with this major at school it’s like you don’t wanna lose everything you’ve built-
or the memories you’ve created. and that’s perfectly valid. that’s a very valid concern to have. starting from zero can sometimes be really overwhelming & sometimes one can even worry about what others might think & one might not want to hurt other people’s feelings.
and i get that. and it’s very compassionate of you to be considerate of other people’s feelings. but should the consideration of other people’s feelings be at the cost of your own lack of fulfillment? your own dissatisfaction & possibly even restlessness?
and are you really starting from 0 if you have gained all of this knowledge, experience, and wisdom from what you’ve learned at this job, school, environment, or in this interpersonal relationship?
people always wanna pin you as the “self centered” sign or the “egotistical” sign & sure maybe to an extent that’s true, but we both know you are an incredibly generous and loving sign who wishes to please & entertain those that you love, even if it hurts you.
it’s not fair to you to play a performance that makes everyone but yourself happy. so maybe it’s time to begin putting yourself first and do the thing that yes, might be scary & uncomfortable, but in the long run might be what’s best for your wellbeing.
the number 9 comes up for u which is indicative of completion, a cycle ending for a new to begin. that can be scary at times, yes. but necessary. life is cyclical. also, one of 9s “weaknesses” is sacrifice. be mindful of sacrificing so much of yourself for others.
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