Btw there's a total eclipse on December 14th and 7 days later a Great Conjunction (Saturn and Jupiter lined up). Something huge is going to happen.

Some people on astrotheology forums think it's the simulation reset as it's happened with the past 6 cycles of human civilization
NASA found glazing on a moon rock (some say this was the whole reason for the Apollo moon missions - to see if we're headed for a kind of solar reset one day) and they did a study to see whether it was from a solar event:

here's the study 
December 21st 2020 is the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in 0 degrees Aquarius according to the tropical zodiac. It may be a significant marker of the beginning of the next age, and may be the alignment that brings about a massive global shift event. The Golden Age.
Look up EMPCOE (Electro-Magnetic Plasma Change Over Event). World changing EMPCOE events have recurred throughout history, but are covered up by the world Controllers. Events are a result of the true electro-magnetic structure of our world.
Physical survival of the EMPCOE is not truly essential because we are multi-dimensional, spiritual beings. However, our survival IS important to the Controllers, as some human slaves (us) are required to rebuild society after every event, and then history is rewritten by them.
The speculated coming EMPCOE on 21st December is at the root of most current events and conspiracies, from wildfires and weather manipulation (HAARP), fake alien invasions (Project Blue Beam), to global lock-downs and forced quantum dot vaccines (for tracking survivors)
You see, human consciousness is *literally* starlight, bound to a three-dimensional vessel. Your soul is infinity. You are destined to traverse grand expanses of space and time, once your journey in this realm has been completed, over many, many lifetimes.
Because we emanate from this field, we are inextricably woven into it. You have a place in the Universe, not limited by three-dimensional physicality. Your soul/consciousness truly originates from our Star, you illumined being of Light. There's a reason our Sun's name is Sol
You know when you see those UV or infrared "lenses", how everything just looks like a big mess of energy? That's reality! Everything IS shifting, seamless, transitioning forms of energy. Nothing is stagnant. There's a Hermetic principle that everything moves, everything vibrates.
The universal paradigm of good versus evil, darkness versus light, is more than just enchanting metaphor. It is a description of man's embrace of his or her Soul's journey upward. It is a literal expression of the battle we undergo as we conquer primal instinct and become Light.
We are convinced that our silly little ape minds' visual perception is what has to be "real", because it is the only frame of reference that we have. However, we are all swimming in a vibrating soup of Light and frequencies. Science acknowledges this too.
The world controllers' greatest ploy has been in externalizing "God". By deviating our natural spiritual inclinations outward, instead of encouraging us to explore the endless chasms residing within our own psyches, they have become the middle men for salvation.
We are born into systems that have us thinking certain things, and behaving certain ways, before we even know what or who we are. The world's great religions are all hinting at the same Truths, but they have been factioned, diluted, and infiltrated with either direct lies...
...or half-truths in order to obfuscate spiritual reality. The reality is that YOU are a representation of "God".

"God" is energy, "God" is LIGHT. You are the Universe taking form to observe itself. Think about an omnipotent creator...
...It would be boring to just spend all of eternity reflecting on your own greatness, wouldn't it? So why not create an interactive mental field, a Cerebral Ether, an energy matrix where untold stories of not only valor & heroism, but uncertainty, despair, and growth can unfold?
Everything you've ever experienced has been mediated by tiny electrical currents in your brain. Every thought, step, burst of passion, moment of confusion, literally, everything has been facilitated by electricity being ferried from neuron to neuron.
Your mental field is an electric circuit in an even grander electric matrix, the Universe. This entire fucking thing is energy, man (why do you think they championed Edison over Tesla, and then hid all of Tesla's work?).
...ESP; telekinesis; past life memories; remote viewing/astral projection; etc; have all been mediated by this Cerebral Ether. The West has told you these things are impossible. A bunch of Eastern nonsense, right?
I'd encourage you to look into the CIA's work with Robert Monroe, a master of astral projection. If it's a bunch of bullshit, why was one of the sleaziest,brutal, grimy,disgusting organizations ever conceived spending untold hours delving into the phenomenon?
This pattern is echoed throughout psychic experiences that we are told are unrealistic. They shun them publicly, then research and utilize them privately. Look into Stanislav Grof's work with psychedelics too.
The reality the elites have presented for us is a laughable attempt to reign in the sovereignty and power of the human mind.

Freedom first begins in the mind and the rest automatically follows.
We were born into a crumbling matrix of lies, and our whole lives conditioned to reinforce that it's real. Nah man, it's not. Your belief in the system is what powers it. Just look around you and see.
There's a reason holofractal & simulation theories are striking echoings of the Buddhist maya, and other Eastern thoughts on the illusory nature of reality . It's because they are both echoing Truth. This isn't real. This has been, and still is, a test.
We are supposed to come here and better ourselves via the innumerable, unimaginable sorrows and travesties we all must go through. Some, obviously, are much worse than others.
It is how you rebound from these events, how you dig down into your psyche and say "fuck no, I'm not giving up", that really defines your time and experience here in this field.
It's an interactive learning experience, where souls come to expand their awareness. The thing is, the process is being fucked with. Souls aren't leaving, they're being trapped in repetitive cycles even after they should be done.
Human consciousness is a single entity. We are the same Light. We are subjected to the mirage of individuality so that we can be nurtured and grow. We come here to love, learn, and teach, and when we have reached a high enough frequency, we are freed from the wheel of incarnation
The only problem is, look around! This planet is littered with anxiety-inducing situations: debt, war, disease, famine, poverty, etc. This is by design. This planet is a soul-prison. It has been infiltrated.
It's pretty tough to relinquish your consciousness from this prison planet, when we are bogged down by human doubts and worries 24/7. This is why mindfulness is absolutely essential. You need to do everything you can to learn be firmly in the present moment.
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