Parents fleeing violence and poverty with their children walked thousands of miles to our border.

Once there, they were given a choice:

Be dropped off somewhere in that same dangerous country with nothing; penniless and homeless; knowing no one; with their kids or without.

They were being deported into even greater hardship and peril than they left.

Many people we have deported fled danger and were killed upon their return.

Our government asked them:

Do you love your kids so much, you’d leave them?

What would you do?

Faced with a decision of taking my son into the deepest of dangers where I didn’t know if I could even feed him - or - let him go so he would at least be safe.

The cruelty of forcing that choice is immeasurable.

The vulgarity of spinning it like these parents didn’t want their gets is so despicable, it is a new low for even an Admin with no bottom.

These parents risked their lives to try to take their kids somewhere better...

...and when they were being forced to return to even more horrible circumstances, they chose to go back alone.

I cannot imagine how excruciating that is for those parents.

I would spend every day of my life wondering:

Is my son okay?
Is he healthy?
Are people being kind to him?
Does he remember me?
Does he know how much I love him?
Did I do the right thing?
Will I ever see him again?
Will this pain ever abate?
Will it ever hurt less?

The barbarity of what we have done is a crime against humanity.

We inflicted deliberate psychological trauma on children and families in an attempt to scare others.

That is torture. It is terrorism.

May the actors responsible someday be forced to face justice.

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