I am an ordinary Scottish woman with 2 teenage daughters. I have a real love for politics, aye strange I know. Up until a few months ago, I was a member of the SNP and an active supporter of independence (this bit will never change) btw! Anyhow, where it changed. I really didn’t
want to get involved in the whole gender debate, I didn’t really understand it for starters and I saw how many of my fellow independence supporters were becoming critical of the SNP. Like many now, I kept thinking, no, wheest, you’ll lose us our chances of independence. I even
spoke at length to a really good friend on here about it too, we were both of the same train of thought. I was seeing things that didn’t sit well with me, the treatment of @GraceBrodie and @Grouse_Beater were probably the points I stopped and thought, 🤔 I don’t feel comfortable
with this. From there I started listening and looking, I tried to be objective but men self identifying as women and calling themselves lesbians, eh naw! That really rang alarm bells with me. I am all for people having fulfilled lives but pretending to be something you aren’t.
What I also noticed about the people pushing this narrative was that they all seemed to be not very pleasant men or what I can only describe as well lady boys pimping their wares. All you need to do is glance at Transxhub to see exactly what I’m talking about. I bet transsexual
people out there are actually abhorred that this is the image of the trans community being pushed as normal and acceptable. Most transsexual folk just want to go about their daily lives without drawing attention to themselves. Just like the rest of us out there. The reforms to
the GRA really aren’t necessary. Already there is a massive percentage of people who embark on the trans route, to later realise that it hasn’t actually been the answer they’d hoped it would be. They then go on to de transition. Sadly by this point the hormones have left them
Infertile and if it’s been a woman, she’s maybe already had a double mastectomy. The reforms wish to declassify gender dysphoria as a psychological disorder, already the support being given to people clearly isn’t enough, so why take this safety net away altogether? Also the time
someone has to live in their preferred gender is to be reduced from 2 yrs to 6 months before treatment can begin, again, can you see the issues? Now I have heard, not sure how accurate it is but I’ve heard that the percentage of people de transitioning is something like 80%!!
That is astronomically high, and the trans lobbyists wish to add to this by taking away safety measures already in place which clearly aren’t even effective enough.
What I see when I look in is like a massive recruitment drive. Come join our club and god help anyone who
criticises these people. They become extremely aggressive and abusive, screaming terf, transphobe or homophobe. None of which is actually an insult anymore as they’ve lost their meaning. The trans lobbyists have even gotten their claws into the education of our children. Teaching
kids about being born in the wrong body. Well even teaching kids sexual stuff that they really don’t need to know about at such a young age. Wanting pre schoolers read to by drag queens, how is that going to improve their early experience/learning? It’s imprinting is what that is
It’s grooming. In all honesty I could go on all night about this. The crux really is this for me. Each to their own but don’t ram it down my throat and insist I accept it, I won’t. Leave kids out of this. Trans kids are most definitely a minority, so why do all kids need exposed?
This whole ideology is the biggest brain melt I have ever encountered!! I am all for inclusiveness but with this it’s women who are being pushed out!! Our safety and safeguarding kids is what we are set to lose! That’s too high a price!!
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