Next 72 Hrs ⏰ Virgo, Libra, Capricorn, & Pisces

You’ve felt very impulsive &/or timid. This could be bc of external influences like an authority figure in your workplace, your parents, & normal day to day occurrences that have thrown you off or made you feel combative. -
There’s a lot that’s happening in your life right now that’s still up in the air but you shouldn’t take that as a reason to go off the deep end or close yourself off from others. Finding a happy balance & medium within yourself even when everything around you is chaotic is key. -
You may feel the urge to emotionally spend/indulge in drugs/alcohol/etc. as means of keeping your feelings at bay but not only is this not a good idea for your bank account rn as you’re trying to save, it’s honestly also better to just let out whatever you’re feeling naturally. -
Give yourself time this weekend to just relax by yourself, away from others; you may take a small trip somewhere beautiful just to get away for a few hours/days, or engage in artistic activities like singing/dance/painting/movies, possibly spend time w family members as well. -
At times when you’re least expecting or you’re alone, your mind will drift off towards the past & remembrance of others, honestly in a better light than they deserve. Mercury rx is going to test your ability to truly let go & break this cycle of wishful thinking.
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