Hard “No”.

This mission creep is untenable and it will cost significantly more lives and futures than #Covid_19 ever could...


(1) https://twitter.com/webmd/status/1319330177013383174
It’s often said, “In life, you get what you tolerate.”

And people have been shockingly willing to give up their lives and turn on their neighbors in exchange for a feeling of safety.

What we need moving forward is a willinness to question whether our values truly align...

with the policies we support.

We need to acknowledge the harms caused by “mitigation” and say, “Wait a minute...It doesn’t make me a bad person to want kids safely in school/a funeral for my father/a future to look forward to/a reason to live.”

We need everyone to ask themselves,

“Does the situation really warrant a response of this magnitude? Is this a reasonable reaction? Is the data we are making decisions w/ reliable? Is there historical precedent?”

And when we arrive at, “No” x 4, the next question is...

“Why are we really doing this?”

Doing so doesn’t make us “conspiracy theorists”.

It makes us critical thinkers who care deeply about our neighbors, our loved ones, our communities, & our country. It makes us people who value integrity over consensus and facts over fear.

It’s not “selfish” to push back when we’re being misled and

And it’s okay to be critical of policies that are vastly more destructive than the virus from which they are supposedly protecting us.

Legions will not survive two more years of this hysteria...

...and it’s not wrong to stand up for them, or even admit if we are among them.

We are not flawed or lacking “resilience” for struggling or for needing social contact to stay sane.

Until this becomes an actual conversation that looks at ALL the potential harms...

relies on accurate data, and includes all stakeholders, we can’t call any of this “public health”.

It’s propaganda.

And it’s not “selfish” to stand up and say,

“You’re not telling the truth, you’re hurting people, and we won’t tolerate this anymore.”

You can follow @AJKayWriter.
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