- ft. Lily Evans and Regulus Black
- Remus Lupin would still be the DADA teacher, but he’d be doing it the whole time, not just 1993. He’d be so many students’ favourite, as he was anyways, with his patience and kindness
- James Potter would also be teaching at Hogwarts, replacing Professor Hooch as the flying and quidditch instructor. He’d get way too intense about it and Remus would laugh alongside him
- Sirius Black would own half a shop between London and Diagon Alley where he’d sell records. He’d have a healthy mix of both magic and muggle music (music Peter introduced him to)
- Lily Evans would own the other half of the store. Her half would be a book and coffee shop. Her and Sirius would read on their breaks and argue over music like the sort-of-adoptive-siblings-in-law they are
- Peter Pettigrew would be an architect who went all across the world, redesigning old Wizarding buildings and adding his own magical twists
- Regulus Black would be an artist. He wouldn’t actually sell most of his paintings, they were full of too much pain and he thought them too vulnerable to give away, but he had enough money to live off of regardless
End of thread
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