( cw kinda gross ) weird drink and cw food combos ive tried in my time, a thread
poolwater chips
orange milk
cheeto milk
when i was 8 i put a bit of bleach into my rice
beef marmalade
avocado pieces shredded into herbal tea
tea out of mushrooms
cucumber dipped in sugar
entire glass of ketchup
raw cinnamon
banana peel
lemon peel pieces in cereal
kofola (czech coke) cheetos that i drank from a bowl
i put all of the drinkable liquid into a mixer and accidentally spilled washing powder into it but still drank it with my friend
leaves sprinkled into cereal
beans inside chicken
water instead of milk in cereal
ice on potatoes
buttered grapes
pineapple wrapped in cheese
okay so i once got dared to eat a ladybug when i was in elementary but thats a story for another day
mixed grass drink
tree bark. like i just ate it
and finally my personal favourite... sour oreos.

i hope this thread either made you more scared of me or less intimidated. ive forgotten a lot so if ive ever told you about more food combos please let me know
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