Okay, so this may not even be an entire thread, but here it goes nothing. How to utilize your 401k to invest PENALTY FREE. So, as many of you may or may not know a 401k is a retirement account that's offered by your employer. I always advise people to enroll in it and at the
very least contribute enough to get the full match. It's a 100% return and its free money. Personally, I've never viewed my 401k to be a retirement account. I viewed it as an investment vehicle. I refused to just allow this to be money that sits around w/o me being able to
utilize it the way I want to use it. So, I began to research ways to use my 401k without being penalized. Also, if it helps I have a Roth 401k, I rather pay the taxes on the money now vs later on in life b/c i know I'm going to be in a completely different tax bracket 30 years
from now. If you don't think you'll be in a tax bracket or you feel like taxes aren't going to rise then the traditional 401k may be a better option for you. *MJ shrug* after doing the research I found out that you can actually take out loans instead of having to withdraw
the money & get this if you choose the loan option over withdrawing the money you pay yourself interest. You're literally playing bank with yourself. So, while you're taking loans on your 401k to invest you're still growing your 401k by paying yourself interest
so theoretically, that's like 2 investments in one. Also, with the payback of your 401k loans, the brokerages just take the payments from your paycheck. Something you should know as well if you leave your job in the middle of the payback on the loan you have to pay it back
immediately I'm sure there are some ways around it, but I haven't experienced it yet so I can't say. I'm sure I'm missing some more things so if you have any questions just hit ya, boy, up
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