The UK lockdown rules make perfect sense. Wales have a firebreak, not a circuit-breaker, which means stay at home, kids' needs are irrelevant and getting cancer should be avoided for 3 weeks. Shopping is allowed for essential items, but not non essential items in the same shop
Non essential items are available, but not from small businesses who can go fuck themselves, the capitalist pigs. Items can be bought from online corporations, who shit on their workers and don't pay any tax, which makes perfect sense as I'm told the Welsh government is socialist
Scotland is simple. In level 1, called level 0, 15 people from 5 households can meet outside & 8 from 3 houses inside. Not be confused with level 3, called 2, with no indoor meetings except for up to 6 from 2 houses, as long as you're in a pub, BUT ONLY if you are eating a pie
England has 3 simple tiers - Tier 1 (mild existential dread), Tier 2 (abject terror) and Tier 3 (mandatory rubber pants). There is no low risk Tier as feeling safe or happy inexorably leads to granny murdering
Grannies should be locked in isolation to avoid this inhumanity and their own opinion is irrelevant, as they're old and so not adults. We must continue to revere the elderly by, first & foremost, not listening to them
It's really very simple. All you need to do is memorize the rules until they change tomorrow. I really don't understand the confusion
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