[Thread]About BLM ribs.Hijacking Riot Ribs with threats of violence, grifting, paying violent teens to attack people, reports of sexual assaults that have people in hiding, assault by Edreece and collab with #FarRight Context ⬇️Moving on to recent event 1/ https://twitter.com/PDXRosieRiddle/status/1316454248675041280?s=19
2)There have been many threats made by current BLM ribs. They brandished and threatened with guns last Fri and threatened to "shut down" @PDXJail_Support (and did). Bradford (left) threatening journalist & Phil (right)(told some he is JP). https://twitter.com/45thabsurdist/status/1317283740284940288?s=19
3)"Phil" motioning under his jacket and telling people to turn themselves in. They are filming and calling them out for taking houseless people's stuff. Video later in video shows Phil telling the story of intimidation. Full video
4)"Phil" admitting to crimes on camera after he was told that's not smart, he says he doesn't care, he has bail money and already has (6) M11 robbery charges. Aggressively tells story of assaulting someone, making them "turn themselves into jail" (scares ppl to run to cops)
5) "Phil" continues the story of how he made a guy run to the cops, to show that they need cops to protect them from people like him. Says cops showed and asked what's going on, then just left. Keep in mind Portland has program that authorizes sweeps and police know its not Phil
6) Phil goes on a homophobic/transphobic rant. "You think Portland is full of LGBT and they were gonna do whatever you say"
"We aren't gonna have a homo war and argue over who's gonna be what orientation." Last Friday he also called people fag*ots and mockingly asked for pronouns
7)Now talking about eradicating Antifa, when #BlueLivesMatter chud, Glen Sullivan, that they are working with shows up. Phil says we're gonna clear the block that you started a mini riot about, & asks "how do you feel about it". Listen to his undertone
8) Glen Sullivan saying BLM Ribs don't care that they are #BackTheBlue and says Bradford is feeding the homeless, but he just kicked them all out of the Park. Next video are his threats to houseless folks
9)Before sweep, Bradford says "we're wiping you out today, a swear for God, Fuck you" when talking to houseless folks. But tells others he's out here to feed them.
10)Here is JP beforehand kicking shit around and flipping tables while his dog goes crazy.
11)Here is a compilation of some of their harrassment/intimidation and assault. At the very end notice that Monica Noble from #BackTheBlue is supporting them. She is the one that helped tear down children's BLM art from a school by ICE.
12) Now about Edreece Phillips that assaulted @TawasiSoce. Edreece was called in by BLM ribs, he attacked because he was called a name while justifying tearing up tents & now is lying to save his ass. He has attacked people multiple times at protests. https://twitter.com/1misanthrophile/status/1317205476526891008?s=19
13) I calmly asked why he punched Tawasi & said its because he was spit on.I say "makes sense".But it was a lie. He then turns on me saying I came for violence because I have bear spray after he said his friends packing is irrelevant and attacked someone. https://twitter.com/45thabsurdist/status/1317228696533544963?s=19
14)Edreece going on rant to his Facebook friends lying about being spit on to justify his violence, then mentioning getting caught on fire, bear sprayed, hit with chains, ect none of which happened. Saying others are violent, when only him and his boys were violent.
15) During fed days, Edreece threatens to use a smiley (chain w lock on end) if people fuck with the federal fence. He justifies by saying he is protecting his people, & inaccurately states Feds don't come out if fence isn't fucked with.
16) Here are two more examples of Edreece attacking people.
1. https://twitter.com/AstuteAF/status/1286552090081292288?s=19
2. https://twitter.com/TawasiSoce/status/1318296339608817664?s=09
17) Edreece teamed up with far right Phillip Anderson to keep protesters from messing with fed fence. During daytime he did same & said he had family that were cops, then got aggressive like, ya what? He's not exactly honest though
https://twitter.com/IwriteOK/status/1286548086232240129?s=19 https://twitter.com/VenturaReport/status/1286535524820238338?s=19
18) ProudBoy Phillip Anderson is known for working with multiple Nazis, and even getting banned after letting one use his account.
1)Defends Nick Fuentes https://twitter.com/IGD_News/status/1318810645102350339?s=19
2)ProudBoy https://twitter.com/berkeleyantifa/status/1317859980838539264?s=19 3) https://twitter.com/NYCAntifa/status/1318741500742799360?s=19
19) JP been out since D'Anthony hijacked shit. JP claims that the teens were not dangerous and they helped.But they attacked dozens and sent multiple people to the hospital. Word is that JP may have been involved in attacks. It is unclear how long Phil has been, Bradford is newer
20) There is also a sus suited white lady that was out the other night. Rings on every finger, talking bad about drug users, aggressively policing everyone and spoke in another language to stop one of her people from attacking a homeless dude. Thread⬇️ https://twitter.com/MacSmiff/status/1317368745153589250?s=19
21)Then there is this dude that was aggressive as fuck, leaf blowing the middle of the street, obviously high even though white boss lady doesn't like drug use, says he's black and tried to make fun of me like we were in highschool.
22) Phil claims they are working with FBI, DHS, Police, that its not just their efforts. JP says similar in next tweet
23)JP says, #BlueLivesMatter, Proud Boys, cops and park rangers came to him for help to deal with houseless folks. He claims the only think keeping them here is him. Grandiosity like that is always a big red flag. Oh, and the fact that he is working with the antithesis of BLM.
24) A week before sweep Proud Boys and this new group "Sons of Liberty" that includes violent chud Chris Ponte and rapo Bob West say they were asked for help by BLM ribs. So many contradictions, but whichever is true, is not good
25)-Work w/ Chuds
-Work with cops
-Call protesters terrorists
-Harrass homeless
-express disdain 4 drug users
-Threaten violence against jail support
-Call teenage girl a bitch
-Talk about committing crime on camera
-Violently peace police
26)If anyone has anything to add or has questions, add here or DM me. There is alot more stuff that is way more concerning, but not confirmed. I will add to the thread as more is revealed.
27) I would also like to point out that there are so many people that are not speaking out because they are extremely frightened. I only have been able to capture a little
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