I don’t care who you vote for, so long as you are voting consciously and for good reasons. At this point, after how clearly Donald Trump has shown he’s racist, an abuser, cheater, liar, bigot... I don’t understand why anyone would give him their vote though. Let me elaborate:
If you are voting for him because of abortion, please read about abortion rates and how they have steadily been dropping since 1973, and it has nothing to do w/any policies Trump supports. Trump instituted a regulation letting...
employers, schools and other organizations to opt out of birth control coverage, which not only affects women’s health, but also abortion rates.

If you are voting for him because of the economy, his tax cuts are not really beneficial for most of us.
His tax cuts have benefitted large corporations the most, 60 of the largest corporations paid no federal income tax. His tax cuts worsen income inequality and cause huge federal deficits, which obviously will affects us all.
His “America first” strategy instituted high tariffs that affected small businesses the most, especially small farms. His economy is good only for the wealthy. The 1% who make more than $380,000 a year, most of us aren’t wealthy.
If you are voting for him because you are afraid of socialism. Socialism is a political, social and economic philosophy characterised by social ownership of the means of production and workers' self-management of enterprises.
In the US people tend to conflate socialism with the provision of public goods by the government. Public goods are goods that anyone in society cannot be excluded from, namely access to water, education, healthcare, electricity...
The provision of public goods is what governments are supposed to do with our tax money. A major socialist party has never existed in the US, the DNC does not run on a socialist agenda, AT ALL.
Trump has proposed huge cuts to social security and other social programs that benefit the most vulnerable in society. This has nothing to do with capitalism, but with cruelty.

If you are voting for him because of safety and protection, well this depends on who you are.
The policies Trump has enacted to ensure the safety of US-Americans are really a protection for white Americans w/money. His racist attacks on immigrants from “shithole countries”, Black, Native, Asian, and Latin American ppl, are not making the world safer for most of us.
Moreover, he revoked reservation status of the Mashpee Wampanoag tribe, his administration started charging applications fees for asylum seekers, making the US one of 3 countries that do so.
His administration has instituted policies that criminalize homelessness, and reduced support for housing programs. He has taken active actions toward federal climate deregulation. Mass shootings hit record numbers in the last 3 years.
So I’m not sure what safety means here, if it’s safety just for you, at the expense of the rest of us, that’s not safety at all.

I could really keep going, education isn’t better under his administration, his response to a global pandemic has been below subpar,
his immigration policies are awful, he has at least 26 allegations of sexual misconduct, he continually shares misinformation, he’s disrespectful, ignorant, and dangerous.
There is not one good reason to vote for Trump and quite honestly at this point I am finding it imposible to respect people who do, not that my respect should matter, this is just a personal struggle with people in my life.
I will say it again though, I don’t care who you vote for, so long as you are voting consciously and for good reasons. But honestly I cannot find ONE good reason to vote for Trump.
Forgot to add:

If you are voting for him due to religious freedom, at this point many vulnerable religious groups are more concerned for their religious freedom since Trump took office. Many vulnerable groups are concerned discrimination against them on a religious basis...
have been made possible thanks to Trump. His version of religious freedom is beneficial to the religious far right. That’s not good for everyone.

This administration enacted a ban on travelers from some Muslim-majority countries while also prioritizing Christian refugees.
He has protected religious organizations when they clearly break IRS rules, and has enacted policies that allow for religious organizations to discriminate against LGBTQ+ people and women.
He has allowed religious organizations to receive federal funding without following nondiscrimination rules, and he has shared his rhetoric around religious freedom makes it seem like this is a privilege of one religious group and not all.
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