I think we hear about Trump supporters being "persecuted" so much because a huge overlap of Trump voters have in-built victim complexes from the cultural circles they're in (Christian, White, Male). Christians (who are the most populous religion) LOVE saying they're persecuted.
When in reality, people are just sick of them forcing their hateful interpretation of a VERY unhateful person down our throats in the form of legislature.

"To those with privilege, equality seems like oppression."
Of course all of the vitriol pointed at Democrats isn't going to register with the right wing. They're too caught up with themselves to realize the hypocrisy of saying "Trump supporters are persecuted".
All the while, rich fancylad pundits like Tucker Carlson and Glenn Beck use the most dishonest examples to illustrate what an average "Biden voter" looks like. Is it persecution? No. But the irony that saying Trump supporters are "persecuted" is TOO FUCKING GOOD.
Maybe people are just fed up with listening to the verbal diarrhea and moral dishonesty that comes from his most vocal base.
Maybe people are just speaking up for the disenfranchised and speaking out against some of the worst enablers of that disenfranchisement. IDK just a thought.
Being told you're WRONG (morally and factually) because you support an incompetent, divisive, corrupt person is not "persecution". It's fact. The mental gymnastics required to think otherwise could qualify you for the mental Olympics.
Anyways, hope everyone has a good weekend.
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