To weigh in a bit on the 'coating' system in Halo Infinite: I don't have any strong opinions either way right now (I've been away and it's my birthday so this is just so far in the distance for me lol), but some dev-side perspective seems important here... #HaloInfinite
Modularity seems like a key pillar for Infinite, which means that it needs a streamlined system that can support the devs quickly and easily making adjustments to things like armour, vehicles, weapons, and other objects, so they don't have to design new models from scratch.
I imagine that a deeply entrenched system like this has its tendrils feeding into a lot of areas of the game - not just player customisation, but stuff like campaign and Forge objects as well, and more back-end tech stuff that players don't have visibility on.
Because of this, I think it's worth bearing in mind that this will definitely *not* be changing before launch.

It's tech that's locked in and probably has been for a long time.
I know folks are angry, but I don't think the most productive response right now is spamming unrelated Halo tweets with calls to action to remove it.

Realistically, that's not going to happen. The best thing to do is make peace with that fact, even while disagreeing with it.
We're not going to get solutions *right now*, the team has bigger priorities in shipping the game. I think the question to ask here is for 343 to find a post-launch compromise that gives players more agency in the 'individuality' of their armour customisation.
Disappointment is totally valid, individuality is obviously a big deal in Halo's customisation and this is a big change from what been the norm, but feedback approach to how we deal with this going forward needs to come with a dose of perspective and realism IMO.
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