Some thoughts from our taldev reunion discussion last week with @riseupanimation that I’d like to leave in a thread for anyone looking to pursue a career in the animation industry. 🧡
I’m speaking directly in regards to story and story portfolios as that is my expertise but I believe these tips apply to all aspects of the animation process, as storytelling is at the heart of everything we do.
The most common piece of advice I give to students and newcomers on their portfolios is this:
Technical skill is much easier to teach than creativity. Allow me to elaborate...
I can work with you on technical execution of your boards. Fixing horizon lines or compositions, etc. Easy. What I can’t teach you is how to have ideas. Your creativity is what makes your portfolio and your work unique and valuable. Don’t hide it.
Imagine two portfolios- one with killer draftsmanship, amazing camera but it lacks character, thoughtfulness, acting, charm and SPECIFICITY...the second has less advanced draftsmanship, but has personality and engaging storytelling. Choices. That’s the person I want to work with.
A common pitfall of student portfolios is an overwhelming emphasis on flashy technical boards and rendered details, but no heart. Storytelling is deeper than pretty drawings. I absolutely struggled with this as a student. My priorities were often superficial.
Of course you ought to perfect your technique to the best of your abilities. It’s a crucial part of the craft, but it’s not everything. And when it comes to training programs, the expectation is that you are coming to that studio to LEARN. No one expects technical perfection yet.
What people ARE interested in seeing is your unique creative voice as a storyteller and filmmaker. Are you someone I can trust with ideas and character? Can you bring life to the story with your creative choices?
Your personality is what makes your art and your storytelling your own. We want you for you. We need YOU. Show us who you are.
You can follow @papertiki.
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