If you need to unfollow me, feel free to do so, but I truly *cannot* handle all the "why does nobldy care about this?!?!" guilt trip tweets.

There are 10,000 earth-shattering bad things happening a day. I do my best to balance awareness & support for different causes, but listen
Every single day I encounter multiple guilt trips for not raising awareness for causes I haven't heard of. Even then, my TL is painfully triggering bc people are *always* talking about one bad thing or another.

Meanwhile, not everyone uses Twitter for activism. Seriously.
While it can be a tool to raise awareness, many of us do our activism and support for marginalized people *elsewhere* and this is where we come for community, a break, or just to market our books.

The idea that everyone can put 100% behind every cause or they're bigots is wild!
And frankly, it's impossible! Even if I wasn't disabled, even if I wasn't dealing with personal problems or needing to work, I still wouldn't have the hours in a day!

Nor would I have the bandwidth. It's a global pandemic! Everything is hell! What do y'all expect???
I know it's hard. I know it feels like you're drowning and you're only chance to stay afloat is to make people listen who aren't hearing you.

I also don't think y'all realize how horribly unhealthy all of this is all around. Stop boosting abuse as if it's activism & please keep
in mind that we're all drowning. I'm not ignoring you and I don't want you to die because I didn't see your cause in a sea of 10,000 others.

I don't think your life is valueless because I needed to conserve some energy for me for once instead of fighting for that cause.
I really am sorry I can't do more, but we're *people*, not machines. We're dealing with 500x what people were built to deal with. What you're asking for jjst isn't possible.
You can follow @EmeryLeeWho.
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