@IwriteOK I think it's high time all factions of the far-left come together, set ideological differences aside to defeat the #fash After the battle is won together, we can all sit down, take the best from each school of ideological thought, create something built on mutual co-op.
@IwriteOK A unified ideology if you will, that will be autonomous and inclusive, a banner to build a cohesiveness which will facilitate #fascists never having a foothold in history again. Your thoughts?
@IwriteOK Do you think it's possible ? I do. We're seeing it happen in the city I live in and in other cities standing against the #fash in the protest field. Let's consider taking it up a notch to the realm of ideology, possibly build a new school of thought, mutual aid, DA.
@IwriteOK As a medic I get to talk to all sorts of comrades at protests. #Anarchists, #Antifa #BLM #Communists far-left #LibertarianBois, #PSL Many are coming to the same conclusion, that we all need to stand together & build something unshakable in the battle against #fascim
I know many staunch ideological purists from each school of thought would balk at such a notion, that's their right, but for those who are looking to move out of purism in a new, collective direction, I really think it's worth giving it a go. Hell, why wait til after the fight?
@IwriteOK let's do it now! #UnityToDefeatFascism
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