I use this twitter account to express myself and sometimes that gets me into some discussions. Even though I am well intentioned and I believe in what I'm saying. I don't think I'm really doing anything useful for the world. I'm troubled by it.
Some people are going to think you are wrong, no matter what. Yet, I can't seem to find any inspiring story where a person went around in person or online and argued with people about certain ideals and made the world a better place.
Though there are loads of examples of classic heroics where people helped others when they were in need Where someone made a noble sacrifice. Or even where they put others needs before their own. We think, rightfully, that these people are remarkable and cherish them.
The path I've been on where I use reasoning and basic argumentation to counter worldviews is not producing more happiness for me. Or for the people involved. Though of course, I can't help those people directly at the time. So, I need to cross the path of people that do.
By that I mean, people who do require help and that I can be useful to them and then it wouldn't matter what their opinion on whatever random subject is causing tension between us. There would be a more pleasant interaction for us both and the immediate (my) world would improve.
Crucially, this concept seems to be in-line with the buddhist dhamma and I'm not sure that arguing with people is to be honest. The more I think about it, the more it appears not to bring peace for anyone. It may also be simply be described as attachment.
If I lived the same day everyday - I wouldn't be figuring out how I could have a good Twitter interaction that would lead to me winning an argument. I presume if anyone had such a bizarre gift that they'd eventually do their best to make it a great day.
The greatest day would be one where you do the right thing, where there is an opportunity to help you would do so. If there was an avoidable problem you could "foresee" you would attempt to change it. You'd do your best to not allow others to commit to "changeable" mistakes
The foresight isn't available and I'm not one for advocating that people shouldn't be free to choose - you can only advise if you are given the attention from someone listening to you. Then they get to do what they want anyway. Then you love them still.
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