things have been a bit dour on my TL lately so w/ the holidays coming up, thought I'd do something fun & share my recommended shopping list 4 great cartoons on home video - as big media conglomerates memoryhole classic cartoons & convert everything 2 streaming it's an investment!
first of all, if you check out your local thrift stores you can almost always find some clamshell Disney classics on VHS 4 a buck or 2 apiece - this is a great way 2 build a library fast for young children & the transfers don't have DVNR problems of line weights being thinned out
my second favorite cartoon of the 90s, Dexter's Lab, still has the 1st season available on DVD for around 10 bucks - it's a crime the 2nd season hasn't been released yet! but, this is a great value & a great series for the whole family
(Cartoon Network is REALLY bad about releasing their series, by the way - like, Powerpuff Girls got season & complete series DVDs, but they're out of print & absurdly jacked up in price now, unfortunately - Cow & Chicken hasn't gotten any release at all)
continuing w/ Cartoon Network though, while Ed Edd & Eddy DESPERATELY needs a full series release, you can at least get the complete seasons 1 and 2 for 10 bucks apiece
the best "complete series" release from Cartoon Network - and there's hardly any! - is the great Courage the Cowardly Dog, another series the whole family can enjoy - 25 bucks, but you'll be watching for a long time, so it's worth it
you all knew this was coming - but yes, each volume of Ren & Stimpy is still around 10 bucks on Amazon - if you only get one volume, get the first, if you only get 2, get the second, and for true completionists there's "season five and some more of four"
here's my token stop-motion animation recommendation, the sadly forgotten but very ambitious & creative short-lived series "Bump in the Night" - complete series of 26 episodes for under 10 bucks, great deal!
another one for the John K fans, but also the Ralph Bakshi aficionados - the series that saved TV animation! - The New Adventures of Mighty Mouse, complete series for around 10-15 bucks, a steal! historically significant, yes, but also very wacky & funny
"work's been kinda slow since cartoons went to color" but fortunately for us, all four volumes of Olive Films' Betty Boop Essential Collection are still around $20. if you only get one, I'd recommend vol. 3 which has all the musical Cab Calloway cartoons
here's animated action & adventure more for the pervy gen-x uncle in your family, I think, but he'll love it - complete Aeon Flux for 12 bux - not yet on blu-ray unfortunately but a great value
also in the adult-animation vein, there's some decent values to be had in the Ralph Bakshi filmography, at least on Warner Archive's re-release of Hey Good Lookin for 10 bucks. very underrated film!
Bakshi Blu-Rays are pretty expensive, but FIRE & ICE is still an affordable 20 bucks, makes a great gift for Frank Frazetta fans too!
I'll be back a little later today with a few more recommendations, but feel free to add any good deals to this list you may be aware of in the meantime!
ok folx just a few more recommendations from myself, and the submissions of a few others...

first off, from @Ennis85 - apparently MTV's one-season-and-done series DOWNTOWN is available directly from it's creator - @imbacknigz did you know about this?
another recommendation, from @Hellhound_90 - at $35 this is a bit pricier than the other stuff on my list, but this 90s cult classic is a pretty stylish and fun adventure series for young boys, for sure -
also recommended by Hellhound90, I was already going to include this myself - nobody's classic cartoon library is complete without the new Tex Avery bluray- lots of restored classics for the fair price of $20 - I really want to see Vol 2 become a reality!
quick note on Looney Tunes - there's lots of options available but I think best all-around value is the "Platinum Collection" DVDs - the Blu Rays are too expensive, but vols 1 & 2 have a better assortment of greatest hits in my opinion & they're $10 each
Finally, an underappreciated classic: these 2 vols of ROGER RAMJET - there's a complete series DVD but it's prohibitively expensive - these are still good value, tho

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