Covid fatigue Oct 22-23

Oct 23

Woke up uber late this morning. Got to work at like 930. Oops. Got up at like 5 to empty bladder, then surfed the net for a bit, and went back to bed at like quarter to 7, expecting to be up half hour later. That's not what happened...slept for1/6
another hour and a half.

Remember that data entry project? Still going strong. Well, I came across a surname that I first read as "Skeleton". Did a double take, only to find it was missing the 2nd e. Considering Halloween is next week, my idiotic mind has taken to finding 2/6
Halloween related words.

Scavenger hunt will be next week - production super took personal day off, so it won't be as fun.

Helped self to a few candies. Boosted my mood and energy levels. Wondering when I'll crash. Oh, and there's an apple sitting on my desk waiting to be 3/6
eaten. Might eat that during lunch break.

Re first video person - emailed him this morning for Covid testing update, no reply yet. Will email again on Monday first thing.

Weekend plans - hibernate in place and get as much Coursera courses done as possible. The last one - 4/6
Big History - took waaay too long...largely because there were no peer reviews that I could do. It would have been done within a week, but instead that took a week and a half.

Maybe also finish Ratched - watched a couple episodes this week. At the part where killer brother's5/6
nurse lover gets shot to death by officers and is dragged/arrested back to the institution. Can't wait to see what happens to him next.

Nearly the end of the workday and boss is done for the day. Hopping over to Coursera and do some reading... 6/6

End of thread part 2
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