We need to talk about men in this fandom.

I’m directing this at men because I’m tired of seeing women creators and journalists in our community play second fiddle to us purely because we are men. I see discourse all the time about men entering this female-built space and...
reaping the benefits of seeds we did not sow. None of it ever comes from men and that needs to change.

I find it disingenuous when a cis white man like @bybrianbyrne can gain attention from a well-made video, enter the fandom soon after, and several months later...
has launched a Patreon to ask for funds.

If you want to make content and monetize it, power to you. But when it’s at the expense of women who built the community that you’re requesting money from, when you place a bounty on regurgitated info...
that’s been collated by female fans for years, it’s bullshit. You run the risk of “almost gentrifying” a female-made space with your privilege, as @anagiggins says.

The women in this fandom; translators, journalists, scholars, fan-artists, editors, fanbase admins...
do not get paid a dime for their contributions to our community. They built ARMY out of their love for BTS. Where do you get off by leveraging your ‘contributions’ for cash?
@jennaguillaume wrote about how male opinions often carry more weight. This could be why some men in our fandom have large followings. Capitalising off of our privilege isn’t cool and we must call each other out when we see it... https://twitter.com/jennaguillaume/status/1319069408254447621
By taking up space in ARMY as cis men, by profiting off that privilege, you are perpetuating a misogynyistic narrative that delegitimises BTS as a feminine interest. ARMY is diverse. We know. But the idea that BTS having male fans makes them worthy of attention is crap.
@lucyjford wrote about the “screaming fangirls”. Read it. Understand the social implications of that. Consider the privilege you have to stand on a soapbox and proclaim BTS is the best and to have the naysayers believe you. https://link.medium.com/unAwaXtAOab 
Not everyone will agree on the best way to be allies. But raising awareness of important issues, like the fact that Black women in fandom are being doxxed, and that men with large followings could direct thousands of individuals to report malicious accounts — it’s a start.
The best coverage of BTS comes from women that are also ARMY. They don’t purport themselves to be the pioneers of “unbiased BTS ARMY journalism”.

Read these. Champion them. We say that BTS paved the way, so acknowledge the women that paved the way for you and for us.
I want to make it clear though that what I’ve said here isn’t revolutionary. There’s so much more to this discussion. This has all been said by women in our fandom before.

And like our friend the cis white man, I’ve stood on my soapbox with my privilege and regurgitated info.
I challenge the men in this community to pull your fucking heads in and engage in uncomfortable conversations instead of blocking women for calling you out.
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