questions for arabs thread, quote with ur answers
skip any questions you feel uncomfortable answering! ok lets go
1. which country are you from?
2. prettiest arab city you've been to?
3. do you listen to any arab artists? drop reccs if you feel like it
4. which arab country has the prettiest culture in your opinion?
5. diaspora arabs do you struggle with your identity or are u normal haha
6. do you struggle reconciling your belief system (if you have one) and sexuality?
7. fav fairuz/oum kolthoum song?
8. do you like being called petnames in arabic? do you ever flirt in arabic. this just bc im curious
9. if you're a minority living in a arab country, how do you reconcile that? struggles/thoughts?
10. which arab country do you think has the prettiest traditional clothing?
11. what is one thing you wish all arabs knew?
12. this is a question for north africans, do you consider yourself arab? why/why not?
13. how educated are you on the kafala system? what do you do to spread awareness and help achieve justice for domestic workers?
14. what is your country known for?
15. cw : food

rank these from best to worst:
me7shi falafel bamia couscous (north african)
16. arab sapphics quote with ur flags i wanna see!!
17. what are your opinions on bashar al assad? ❤️
18. sexiest arabs in ur opinion?
19. least sexy arabs in ur opinion?
20. prettiest arab accent in ur opinion?
21. what is your country's national flower? (if u dont know look it up and show me Idc)
pause. syrians n moroccans follow me i love u
22. do you believe in arab solidarity? why/why not?
23. arab sapphics do you ever daydream about making out with girls while fairuz plays in the bg? no? justme? ok
24. do you know who the amazigh people are? how educated are you on the topic?
pause. fuck assadists and the assad regime ❤️
25. what are your thoughts on the portrayal of arabs in film and media? do you struggle to find representation?
26. cw : food
rank these from best to worst
27. opinions on stan twitter activism? just me? ok.
28. what are your thoughts/opinions on arabs who are against thawras?
29. do you write poetry? quote w some of ur work if u feel comfortable
30. a color that you associate with your country?
31. based on preference, what arab nationality would you date?
32. what arab nationality would u never date and why is it khaleejis?
33. this is a question to middle easterns, how hard is it to just learn moroccan accent?
34. oum kolthoum or warda?
35. tw // the syrian war

how educated are you on the syrian war?
36. a question for syrians:

i know this is a sensitive subject so you don't need to answer but, are you hopeful about the future of syria?
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