“You got to focus on you. And as you convince you, as you sell yourself everyday everyday everyday, you will begin to see a difference in the things that you’re doing. Summon yourself on your ability to perform a job. To achieve a certain objective. Telling yourself everyday, -
here I go again and I got what it takes. This is my day. And nothing out here is going to stop me. You’ve got to make those kind of declarations to yourself. I’m unstoppable. This will not get me down. I’m in control here. I’m not gonna let this get me down. I’m not gonna let -
this destroy me. I’m coming back, and I’ll be stronger and better because of it. You have got to make a declaration that this is what you stand for. You’re standing up for your dreams, you’re standing up for peace of mind, you’re standing up for health. You want it. And you’re -
going to go all out to have it. If you’re serious- you’ll go all out. So yes. I’m gonna turn this situation around. I’m not gonna sit back and moan and cry over what happened and what went wrong and who did what, I’m going to do something about this situation.”
“It’s that mentality- it’s the mentality ‘bring it on motherfucker I can take it. I’m stronger than you think I am. And everything you throw at me and all the hardships you throw at me, you might knock me down but I get back up and I’ll be stronger for it.’”
“You got a problem with me? You go right on head homie. I sleep good at night. Cause I’ve gotten rid of all things, people and situations that were bringing drama, negativity and dysfunction into my life.”
“Find out who you are, own that motherfucker, and tell people to go fuck themselves. Don’t ever worry about anybody and what the fuck they think about you.”
“I don’t alter my mission at hand. No one fucks with me. Because I don’t allow them to. It’s gotta be that way it’s gotta be unconditionally focused. What that means is that if you are in it and you believe in yourself no one can change that.”
“These are times right now for you to step up. Be that person that can take anything.”
“We as human beings are capable of anything! And we don’t need any special kind of parents or tools to get there. When your mind knows it’s not going to quit, your body will adapt to whatever is in front of it.”
“You know what’s it’s like to be in a lonely, dark place. You know what it’s like to want to quit. You know what it’s like when the pressure‘s overwhelming. When people expect your best but you‘re at your worst.”
“Adversity creates the perfect moment for audacity. It’s in your adversity; the thing that comes out of you is what defines you. When life is squeezing you and pressure is on you, what’s really inside of you?!”
“Most people go through life holding back. If you get into the habit of just being mediocre, it will become a part of your consciousness. If you get in the habit of giving less of what you have it within you to give, it will begin to reflect itself in your personality! It will -
begin to damage you psychologically! And you don’t want to be a part of that kind of self destructive behavior. You want to set some high standards for yourself. There’s greatness in you! And you’ve got to learn how to tune out the critics outside, and the critic inside. -
And say ‘I’m going to do this, I’m going to harness my will. And I’m not going to let anything stop me.’”
“You have to be relentless. You have to never let off the gas, never stop, never quit. Never allow anyone to talk you out of the dream, the vision, the ideas.”
“And as you begin to look at your life, decide that you’re going to start working on that dream. You’re going to work and nurture that idea. Now, there will be people that will criticize you. There will be people that won’t see it for you! But I say to you, don’t let nobody -
turn you around! You don’t need anybody to understand you, you don’t need anybody to approve you. You don’t need anybody to say, ‘go head on and do it’ - if you get that, that’s fantastic. If you get that encouragement, that’s great! But I say stand up within yourself ONLY -
and say it, ‘this is my life and I’M controlling my destiny.’”
“There are times that your energy feels SO depleted. That you want to give up- that it looks just totally impossible. And I can tell you from my own personal experience, -
don’t give up then. That’s when you got to fall forward, when life is kicking dirt in your face! Don’t give up then, that’s when most people turn back!”
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