Want to have more ideas?

Do these 3 things:

1) Accept that “originality” is impossible.

“New” things — “original” things — don’t exist. So chasing newness, and striving for originality, is a waste of energy.

It’s a disservice to you, your work, and your goals.

2) Don’t create. Connect.

“New” things are born when you put old things together.
The late, great copywriting genius Eugene Schwartz said: “A better word for ‘creativity’ is ‘connectivity.’”

Reading this quote forever changed how I work.

And most importantly…
3) Feed your head.

The more you expose yourself to (e.g., knowledge, experiences), the more connections your brain will make.

The more connections your brain makes — consciously or otherwise — the more ideas you’ll have.

More input = better output.

So read books and blogs and old ads.
And watch films and shows and documentaries.
And talk to people, have conversations with strangers.

It’s all fodder. Eat up.
Thanks for reading, folks. :)

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