0/ In today's daily I look at @graphprotocol in the context of how trustless access to onchain data and incentivized curation mechanisms are key to the emergence of the web 3.0 world.
1/ One of the pain points we have for our research at Delphi Digital is finding reliable data for projects we’re researching when that data is not available from data providers such as @nansen or @duneanalytics. Often we need to get it directly from the blockchain...
2/ This usually involves talking to the team, reading the smart contract code, writing a web3 script and waiting hours or days for it to run - it could take days for us to get the CSV we need. The data is open but it's not accessible.
3/ This is barrier to growth of web 3.0 – a big advantage of dApps is composability and transparency, but these depend on accessibility – if dApps and services can’t easily query information from a dApp, they can’t easily integrate with it.
4/ In today's daily I look at how The Graph trustlessly provides the indexing and querying layer so needed for decentralized applications and is growing fast
5/ But since subgraphs can be defined by anyone, how can people know the subgraph was properly defined and reliable, and when there are multiple subgraphs for a given project how can people expect to know which is best?
7/ Token economic systems allow decentralized networks such as The Graph to provide more effective and trustless curation mechanisms which financially reward valuable behavior and disincentivize dishonest or lazy curation.
8/ Such models are not available to web 2.0 systems and may prove to be an advantage and driver for any potential shift to a web 3.0 future.
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