A @clppng fan was asking about the group's work on film & tv, so here is a thread of some great places to get started with that. Def not complete (that would be way too much content).

A project all mems worked on were the songs for the tv show 'The Mayor'
Prob the most famous soundtrack from clipping members is Jonathan Snipes & William Hutson's joint work on 'Room 237'
Snipes & Hutson also teamed up for 'The Nightmare' OST https://deathbombarc.bandcamp.com/album/the-nightmare
On his own, Snipes has done tons of work. Maybe the most famous is 'Starry Eyes' https://jonat8han.bandcamp.com/album/starry-eyes
Snipes most recent scores though are:

Murder Bury Win: https://deathbombarc.bandcamp.com/album/murder-bury-win-original-motion-picture-soundtrack

and El Duce Tapes:
Lastly (for this thread, not for the work they've all done), Daveed did amazing work on the songs for 'Blindspotting' https://open.spotify.com/album/1MP8T5mPddMSrw9Y72Qz5w
You can follow @deathbombarc.
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