1966 Hindu Masscre -
Largest mass murdering of Indian people by anti Hindu Congress Govt. and Swami Karpatriji's curse to Indira Gandhi.
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The cow protection movement is a predominantly Indian religious and political movement aiming to protect cows, whose slaughter has been broadly opposed by Hindus, Buddhists, Jains and Sikhs since long before independence.
The movement often manifested as Hindu-Muzlim riots claiming thousands of lives, especially on the occasions of Izlamic festivals of sacrifices The Cow riots of 1893 were the most intense civil disturbance on the Indian subcontinent since the Indian Rebellion of 1857.
After getting independence it was believed that newly formed govt. will bring law to ban cow slaughter as per Mahatma Gandhi's wish but overtly secular stances of Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru (who threatened to resign if such a bill were passed) foiled the efforts.
Tensions began to re-emerge in the 1960s, when a new generation of Muslims born after independence and who were less aware of the trauma of religious violence in India, began to assert their rights, whilst Nehru began to lose his firm grip over the Indian sociopolitical scenario.
After Nehru's death in 1964, RSS, Hindu Mahasabha, Akhil Bharatiya Ram Rajya Parish VHP & other Hindu parties for cow protection, began to actively engage in active campaigns. Swami Karpatriji Maharaj was a recognized saint of the country, equivalent to Shankaracharya.
Swami Karpatri was chosen as the leader, and he advocated for a program of nationwide demonstrations.Since 1965, millions of saints of India had started a huge movement to enact laws on cow slaughter and cow protection. People from all classes were linked to it.
After the suspected death of PM Shastri, there were many strong contestants for Prime Minister post. It is said that Indira Gandhi, taking blessings from Karpatri ji Maharaj, promised that after winning this election she will stop slaughter of cows.
Indira Gandhi won the election. But kept avoiding this thing for many days. In such a situation, Swami Karpatriji had to adopt the path of movement starting with Indian Parliament. With this intention, on 7 November 1966 (Gopashtami according to Hindu panchang).
a crowd gathered under the leadership of prominent saints, which had thousands of gaurakshas and sadhus, a majority of them were naga Sadhus. All were marching towards Parliament, and the environment was reportedly 'relaxed, almost festive' per a report by the The New York Times
Policemen were already stationed outside with sticks and guns. Police started running lathis after getting orders from inside parliament. The crowd became more aggressive.
the police responded with tear gas and cane clubs, but their resistance proved futile,
but at around 1:30 pm, they engaged in rifle fire and mounted a charge with lead-tipped clubs on the crowd causing a massive homicide under the of Indira Gandhi Govt. According to official figures, 375 saints were killed but non-official claims, at least 5000 saints were murdered
It's said that the dead bodies were ruthlessly loaded in trucks and transported in night to area outside Delhi. Without even checking that some of them may be alive, they were burnt. Curfew was imposed in Delhi. The media were censored and thousands of saints were in Tihar jail.
As per eyewitnesses Swami Karpatriji cursed while raising the bodies of the sadhus in front of the Parliament that the same way Indira Gandhi killed mercilessly saints and cowherds, the same will be their fate. I curse you today that you will perish on the day of 'Gopashtami'.
it is true that Mrs. Indira Gandhi, her sons Sanjay Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi had died unnaturally. Indira Gandhi was assassinated on 31 October 1984 and that day was 'Gopashtami'. Sanjay Gandhi died in a plane crash Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated on 21 May 1991.
The sacrifice of the huge numbers of Gaubhakts on 7th Nov 1966 in Delhi is still not succeeded for an overarching legislation to ban cow slaughter in India by Central Govt. At present it depends upon the State Govt. 🙏
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