Never Again is a sacred promise to study, name, and fight fascism.

It's what drives us to get arrested blocking ICE detention centers.

Now, for the safety & freedom of every person in those camps AND in this country, it means forcing Trump out when he loses.

A thread:
Approaching election day (vote!), all the data we’re looking at points in the same likely direction:

1. The majority of voters, including in the states that matter, will choose Joe Biden.

2. Donald Trump will declare victory anyway, and try to cheat to stay in power.

What happens next is… up to us, actually. We can sit back, watch MSNBC, and wait to “see what happens.” We can hold signs and call our reps.

But stopping a coup isn’t about regular people making our *voices heard*, it’s about regular people making our *power felt*.

And thankfully there's a proven playbook that's been used around the world to stop coups & dictators: take the streets, show our power, and grind everything to a halt until Trump concedes if we have to.

Which, great. But to almost all of us, that sounds new and scary...

So we need to get calm & connected now, so we can be ready to act with courage and clarity in November.

That's what the 🔥nonviolent action training for everyone by Jews Against Fascism🔥 is all about! Catch it almost any night until election day:

The Jews Against Fascism training will cover skills anyone can use on the front lines at a protest, like de-escalation. Just as importantly, we’ll practice exercises and share tools for getting mentally and emotionally ready to take on November alongside the people we love.

Jews Against Fascism is a collaboration between us and @IfNotNowOrg. As Jews we've been preparing to fight fascist dictators our entire lives, and we want to share skills & lessons of our history with everyone.

Please come, and bring your people!

As Never Again Action we plan to do in November what we’ve done from day 1:

1. Use the lessons and moral authority of Jewish history to name fascism for what it is.
2. Show what it looks like to fight back the way we wish people had fought for our ancestors.

We're not fucking around. As soon as it's clear how Trump is trying to pull off his coup, we're going to strike directly at the heart of it with everything we've got.

We know from our history that you don't always get a second chance.

We want to go as hard as the moment requires, and take risks that are proportional to what's at stake.

That has real costs though, and we need your help so we have the resources and flexibility to maximize our impact.

Please donate if you can!

🔥How to Fight Fascism This November: a nonviolent action training for everyone by Jews Against Fascism🔥

We hope to see you at the training, happening almost every night until election day at 7pm EST!

You can follow @NeverAgainActn.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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