
"the deposition—which you can read in full here—includes a complete alphabetized index of the redacted and unredacted words that appear in the document"

Example: here's every page with the redacted name "Clinton"

Apparently lawyers spent weeks arguing over redactions, only to do....this. They should've hired an infosec expert!
Those aren't just page numbers, they are also LINE NUMBERS
Think how easy it is to go in reverse, too. Want to know what a particular redacted word is in the text? Do a simple regular expression search in the index for that exact line number. It'll give you at least the first few letters.
I'm dying because not only is it a completely failed redaction, it's like a treasure map directly to the juciest bits they didn't want getting out
Wait, it gets even better. Not all instances of each word are redacted! So for words that appear multiple times, if even ONE instance is unredacted, you can figure out the full word quite easily!
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