I’m retweeting this thread after the Trump/Biden debate yesterday.

I’m frustrated and truly worried about the US election.

Pundits cheered Biden for scoring points and gave him a double thumbs up. Saying Trump’s performance was subpar.

That’s not what I witnessed. https://twitter.com/sunnshiiny/status/1309225401130995712
Trump was calm, calculated and speaking to his base. He wasn’t speaking to the Rest Of America, just the Q’Anon and religious nationalists. That’s all who really matters to him and Republicans.

It’s like journalists and paid pundits haven’t learned anything in 4 years. SMFH! 🤦🏻‍♀️
Exactly like I noted in the embedded thread, Trump doesn’t bother speaking to the general public. His strategy is to win the Electoral College, not a popular vote.

He just validated his hold over his voter base by tricking Biden into defending himself from conspiracy theories.
Trump doesn’t care whether the majority of Americans want him in power. He doesn’t care if he loses the popular vote. His goal is to steal the election and gain loyal support from his well armed and radicalized religious nationalist and severely delusional voter base.
If that doesn’t secure him an election win with the addition of Russian & Chinese vote altering & voter suppression, he’s stacked the court with a Dominionist loyalists who will hand it to him through SCOTUS. And if that doesn’t work, he’s got a cache of ready & willing militias.
Whomever prepped Biden for this debate should be fired. I’m furious Biden walked into a laid trap. Gave Trump almost everything he was aiming to have validated. He just helped Trump secure his base’s loyalty and cemented the Q’Anon paranoid conspiratorial religious fervour.
Trump made several accusations against Biden and his family. Turned the tables on Biden regarding China and Russia. Made an appeal regarding character vs truth & fact. Accused Biden and his son of being who the Q’Anon conspiracy is about and criminally corrupt.
Biden responded by defending himself and barely mentioning Trump’s accusations are Q’Anon “Big Lie” conspiracy theories and Russian provided provotskiya propaganda. He mentioned Giuliani and Russian disinformation, but did not make the Q connection.
Q’Anon and Dominionists are going to use Biden’s responses as confirmation that Trump is affirming the Q’Anon beliefs as truth.

Q’Anon and Dominionist Christians have quite a bit of Venn Diagram overlap.

Articles about Q: https://medium.com/memewarweekly/put-a-q-on-it-dac7cd8cec35

Q’Anon has been growing since 2017. A conspiracy theory that includes the belief that left wing politicians and Hollywood stars are Satan worshippers and all part of a child sex trafficking ring and regularly drink the blood of children to preserve their virulence and longevity.
If somebody believes that “Big Lie” then they have a loose relationship with reality and are entirely suggestible to further conspiracy theories.

Well, what do you think has been going on in Trump’s voter base for the last 4 years? Continuous reinforcement of a closed society.
Just like I described in the embedded thread above. The far right’s support base is being controlled by Thought Reform (Brainwashing) techniques endemic to cults.

Explained in this thread here: https://twitter.com/sunnshiiny/status/1213670000508035073
Trump, McConnell, Barr, Coney Barrett, Pompeo, and a litany of far right Evangelical Pastors of extremist Dominionist Mega Churches are a death cult.

Q’Anon is a death cult.
The same cult indoctrination process and recruitment techniques used to persuade 614 people to kill themselves and 304 (total 918) of their children for Jim Jones by drinking cyanide laced koolaid is being used to keep millions of people closed off from reality.
Q’Anon and the vast majority of Evangelical and Traditionalist Dominionist Christians are cult members. Truth and facts don’t get through to cult members.
Cult members live in a protective bubble of mass delusion, magical thinking and use thought terminating cliches to ward off cognitive dissonance. There is nothing that can sway their devotion to the cult leader.

Except their devotion wanes without constant reinforcement.
You think that’s crazy talk? Think again.

What kind of person would honestly believe literally all left wing progressives & centrists are Satan worshipping, child murdering cannibals that drink the blood of babies and all participate and profit in racketeering and pedophilia?
A cult member.

That’s about it.

Only someone who has been manipulated and sheltered from truth and reality would believe in a “Big Lie” so ridiculously incredible.

But Dominionists and Q’Anon believe this is the truth fervently.
These people are not nuts, stupid or gullible. They have been psychologically manipulated to believe in a dystopian “alternate reality.”

They’ve been taught to ignore critical thinking and trust only their cult leader and keep faith.

Let that sink in.
Q’Anon and Dominionism are possible because evangelical dogma indoctrinates the faithful to believe the bible was written by god. It is “without error” or inerrant. So it trumps all secular laws & norms. The bible is god’s instruction manual, to be implemented by church leaders.
If you are up to date on global politics, you know Q’Anon and Dominionism are part of the surge in autocracy worldwide.

Q demonstrations have occurred in Germany, France, Spain, Brazil, Canada, Hungary, Ukraine, Czech Rep, Austria, Belgium, UK, Australia, Chile.
What is the common link between all these nations?

Dominionist Christianity

Ultra Nationalism


⤴️ Power of Far Right political parties

⤴️ Autocracy

International Democratic Union

⤵️ Democracy

Please watch video: . It’s a perfect description.
That’s what is happening.

Social Media is being used to radicalize and indoctrinate cult members. Using military grade psyops to recruit, indoctrinate and isolate radicalized cult members.

It’s a GD death cult. Some believe we are in End Times and they seek to hasten the end.
That’s who Kenney, Ford, Moe, Pallister, Higgs, Legault, O’Toole, Harper, Johnson, Morrison, Trump, Orban, & Bolsonaro all have in common. Dominionism put them in power and Q‘Anon is designed to keep expanding and keep them in power in perpetuity.

At the expense of democracy.
And us!

So read this thread carefully and then read it again. This is NOT theory. This is really and truly happening.

We can stop it if we show solidarity and unite to dismantle the far right death cult.

The US election is in less than 2 weeks.
All hell is going to break out if Trump wins OR loses. Doesn’t matter. Every other expert on fascism is stating the same warning.

@TimothyDSnyder https://twitter.com/timothydsnyder/status/1284545320458887168
@jasonintrator https://twitter.com/jasonintrator/status/1318275850484273155

Notice she says US has a chance if they vote Biden. It’s not a guarantee. https://twitter.com/sarahkendzior/status/1296064619174404097
@VickerySec https://twitter.com/VickerySec/status/1319313162299031553
@carolecadwalla https://twitter.com/carolecadwalla/status/1319410876609368065
@shoshanazuboff https://twitter.com/shoshanazuboff/status/1314392664704458752
I am standing on the shoulders of giants and attempting to amplify this message in Canada.

I’m no one special. Just a citizen with a lot of free time and decent research skills. Who also studied fascism to learn more about the atrocities my grandfather witnessed during WW2.
I could see this coming 4 years ago when Trump won the US election. Because I’ve studied fascism and how it works.

I had hoped to avert this outcome by writing about it daily and assembling all the data points I could to demonstrate to Canadians that we are in extreme danger.
Here we are 4 years later and I’m still writing, informing and educating about what is happening.

I’m not a conspiracy theorist. I rely on experts research and their commentary and monitor Canadian, American, UK, and global politics to keep informed.
This is really happening. Canadians need to be prepared and aware of why federal conservatives are making a move to push for a snap election right now.
Canada is NOT exceptional. We are as vulnerable to populist rhetoric as any other nation of people. We are under attack. This move to envelope the globe in fascism is coordinated.

Who would expect a Canadian of organizing a global coup?
Stephen Harper is a Dominionist Christian who runs the International Democratic Union (IDU). The organization behind almost every autocratic surge in nations across the globe.
Centrists and progressives need to unite in purpose. We MUST block CPC from winning any & all elections and start demanding accountability of far right and far left premiers. Immediately.

We are in a war for governance model, not who governs. Democracy or fascism is the choice.
I choose democracy. I choose freedom of thought and freedom to protest.


You can follow @sunnshiiny.
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