Whining about the media is how you get Biden.
Being racist louts and enablers is how you get Biden
Not listening to NeverTrumpers 5 years ago to present is how you get Biden.
Supporting fabulists like Salena Zito and other shoddy media practices is how you get Biden.
Doxxing critics is how you get Biden.
Retweeting Ben Shapiro is how you get Biden.
Not having any semblance of moral fortitude or integrity is how you get Biden.
Nominating Kavanaugh and Barrett are how you get Biden.
Not calling out grifters and charlatans is how you get Biden.
Employing absolute fanatical freaks like Baseball Dan is how you get Biden.
Saying "All Lives Matter" after police kill Black people is how you get Biden.
Not wearing a mask and complaining about lockdowns are how you get Biden.
Disagreeing with me on Interstellar is how you get Biden.
Shashank Tripathi is how you get Biden.
Being a radiologist and/or patreon recipient is how you get Biden.
Whatabouting is how you get Biden.
Having a Conservatwitter catch phrase is how you get Biden.
Being friends with Kurt Schlichter and Jesse Kelly is how you get Biden.
You can follow @the_shoe_yes.
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