I'm having feelings about the calls for civility I'm seeing today.

First of all if you are focused on civility in the face of 200K+ dead, and kids with lost parents, and the rise of white authoritarianism riding counterfactual propaganda narratives, well...
Civility requires mutual respect & respect for truth.

Here is the thing, these are not policy debates over the finer points of tax law.

These are folks determined to take away civil rights and health care from other people & who are determined to ignore the climate crisis.
I'm not sure "civility" is a skillful reaction to political positions resulting in mass death and suffering. Seeking civility is a stance taken from a comfortable place, by comfortable people.

Who the hell is comfortable facing multiple existential crises?
We need to fight for accountability, for justice, for truth. I care far less about the tone of those fights and more that we fight them with everything we have.

We've centered the comfortable & ignored those who are at risk & suffering because of their tone for too long.
If at this moment of crisis you are bemoaning the loss of our civility in discourse you might need to look closer at what you want to prop up and who is harmed by the propping.
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