1/🚀In a major step forward in interoperability, decentralized cross-chain & oracle network @ProtocolGravity by @wavesprotocol is integrating Matic!

Our collaboration will power opportunities for next-gen cross-chain #DeFi on Matic

â„č Full details: https://medium.com/wavesprotocol/gravity-protocol-integrates-matic-to-boost-defi-adoption-bce3206a1c32 https://twitter.com/wavesprotocol/status/1319643089905045505
2/🔛Our integration with Gravity means Matic will get access to oracles that retrieve data from other blockchains and APIs, facilitating interaction between Matic and other blockchain ecosystems. This will pave the way for creating next-gen interoperable applications on Matic.
3/💎 $MATIC token will now be available on Gravity’s other target chains, including @wavesprotocol & @Tronfoundation , and will also be listed on @Waves_Exchange thereby increasing accessibility.

In addition, MATIC will be able to be utilized as a means of payment on Gravity.
4/đŸ”„Matic Network is quickly becoming the go-to platform for DeFi solutions. Through our collaboration with Gravity, the DeFi ecosystem on Matic is poised to become a whole lot more exciting.

Get ready for interoperable #DeFi products on Matic😎
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