Just my thoughts not Gospel truth

I've noticed alot of you here have cited NEGLIGENCE as the cause of these kid's dangerous trip to school DAILY. Well let me explain something to you. It's called POVERTY
If you'll notice in this pic most of the visible faces are young GIRLS. The fact their parents risk this mode of transport can only mean this round trip is 4kms or more or they'd walk. Do you know what happens to little girls who walk 4kms daily on the same route 5 days a week?
This man is obviously trusted by the parents of these 9 children. When they go to school with him despite the danger of the transport mode, they know their children will return home safe. So do the kids. You can see it on their faces how much they trust him
These 9 children obviously belong to parents who can't afford the K400 it costs daily for this man to take their child safely to school and back. That's K2,000 a week! So they pitch in K45 a day. K225 a week. That my friends is not negligence but poverty
So don't come here with your privileged attitudes assuming everybody has the same life you do. Your little siblings jump on a school bus. These kids jump on a school bike. And "negligent" is all you can call their parents
So because of your privileged and ignorant "social media outrage" the village hero has been arrested and those kids walk to school ALONE at 5am starting next Monday. Your lives continue undisturbed. Congrats assholes!! Well done 😡
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